NEETRAC Members are made up of utilities representing approximately 65% of US electric customers and manufacturers that make a large portion of products and services provided to the electric utility industry. The NEETRAC Management Board, made up of one representative from each Member company, meets three times a year in Atlanta, GA to review the status of ongoing collaborative projects and to discuss topics for new projects.

NEETRAC’s strength is built on the collaborative relationship among Members, the NEETRAC team, and GA Tech. We work together to achieve our mission of developing collaborative solutions to electric energy power delivery problems.
Members pay an annual fee that is used to support two types of projects, described below, and to support NEETRAC facilities and development activities. More information about membership costs can be found here.
Collaborative “Baseline”
Baseline projects cover a diverse set of topics, such as methods for analyzing SAIDI and SAIFI performance between utility peers, online condition assessment methods for overhead connectors, lightning risk environment for distribution equipment (both overhead and underground), covered conductors, and standards development.
Proprietary “Direct Placed”
NEETRAC also conducts proprietary projects that are of specific interest to an individual Member or a small group of Members. Project topics have included failure analysis on T&D components, grounding studies, engineering consultation, prototype testing, qualification testing, quality assessments, and asset management studies. Over 150 projects of this type are conducted each year.